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Our Thorns

Last Sunday my pastor spoke about thorns in our flesh, and this got me to thinking about Paul's thorn. Many believe that it was his eyesight. If it was indeed, consider this...

When Paul was on the road to Damascus, on his way to persecute more Christians, he had an encounter with Jesus Christ. After their "talk," Jesus blinded Paul for a short time. Eventually his eyesight came back--but did it come back fully? If his thorn was indeed his eyesight, it makes me wonder if it wasn't a reminder that he too was a sinner saved by grace. That every time he had to hold a letter a few inches farther away so he could see it, that maybe, just maybe he was humbled; that he needed the Lord to guide him in his imperfections.

I know in my life there are many thorns. It's like a rosebush sometimes. But after thinking about this, I think maybe they're there to keep me humble and to always remember, I was once lost, but now I am found. That without Jesus, I would still be lost in my sin and cowering on the road of life.

When we allow Jesus to be our eyes, it is then that we can truly see.

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