Ignite your faith!


Open Doors and Big Walls of Water

This Sunday, we had a special guest speaker, Jason Frenn, a radio host and best selling author. He spoke about "open doors," and gave the illustration of Moses and the walls of water.

The Israelites were trying to escape Pharaoh's slavery, but in order to do so, they would have to cross the red sea...impossible. But God provided an "open door." The seas parted and there was dry land. I can imagine the big waves on both sides were scary, and most likely, the Israelites would have said, "No way are we crossing through there." But they didn't have a choice. It was either step out in faith, or be killed by the enemy that was hot on their heels.

Is God providing you an open door? Are you too scared to step through it? Do you need God to provide a trial to move you forward or will you step out in faith?

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