Ignite your faith!



How hot is your fire really burning?
Take this test and be HONEST with yourself. Pick the one that MOST describes you. Don’t feel discouraged, but encouraged. This is the first step.

1. I usually…
a. Read my Bible every day for more than twenty minutes
b. Quickly read my Bible right before I go to bed
c. Fit my devotion time in if I have a free moment
d. Don’t ever really read my Bible

2. I find…
a. I talk to God like He’s my best friend for a good amount of time
b. Sometimes I can only pray for five to ten minutes
c. It is often difficult to find things to say during prayer time
d. I never really talk to Him except when I have a problem

3. Which one of these makes your heart flutter more?
a. Going to a church revival on a week night
b. Hanging out with friends
c. Watching sports or TV
d. Partying

4. Reading a devotional book…
a. Changes my way of thinking
b. Isn’t something I do often
c. Puts me to sleep
d. What’s a devotional?

5. I have trouble with my mouth (cussing, gossiping, etc.)…
a. Never
b. Rarely
c. Sometimes
d. Always

6. Giving up the most important thing in my life for God…
a. Is easier every time, because I know the fruit of what will happen
b. Stings a bit, but I’m trying
c. Hurts and I’m not sure if I can do it
d. Not sure, I’ve never tried it

7. Prayer to me is…
a. As essential as eating
b. Important, but I need to do more
c. Is something I do when I have problems
d. Something I don’t do

8. If the pastor were to ask me to give up fast food and hobbies for three days, I would say…
a. Sure, I could use it
b. I’ll pray about it
c. Sorry, can’t right now
d. Forget it

9. When someone asks me to pray for them, I…
a. Start right then and there
b. Usually pray for them once or twice
c. Say I will, and then never do
d. People don’t ask me to pray for them

10. I am reading this book because…
a. I’m just so on fire for God; I can’t wait to get closer to Him
b. I know I need to change
c. Someone told me to or I was curious
d. I feel guilty

Total number of A’s: ____________________
Total number of B’s: ____________________
Total number of C’s: ____________________
Total number of D’s: ____________________

If you had mostly A’s, you are burning hot for God AND you can hopefully find passion to ignite others.

If you had mostly B’s, you’re warm, but you have the right heart and with a little stirring of the ashes, you could ignite a blazing fire.

If you had mostly C’s, you are lukewarm, and it’s awesome that you took this test. Are you ready to get on fire for God? Take the Torrid Faith Challenge. It will change your life!

If you had mostly D’s, you’re a bit cold in your faith, but what better way to get hot then to take the Torrid Faith Challenge.

For more information on the Torrid Faith Challenge, log onto

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